Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?

What is bacterial vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis is caused byan excessive growth of bacteria (bugs) that are usually present only in the vagina in small numbers. When these bacteria are present in large quantities they can cause symptoms such as abnormal discharge or odor. Bacterial vaginosis is sometimes called nonspecific vaginosis or hardnereloz. What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis? There may be an increase in normal vaginal discharge (leaking fluid from the vagina). There may be a strong odor from the vagina and smell can be worse after unprotected intercourse. Some women may not have any symptoms. Other infections may be present at the same time as bacterial vaginosis. It is therefore important to pass tests to exclude sexually transmitted infections as well. How isbacterial vaginosisdiagnosed? During the medical examination the doctor or nurse may notice discharge or odor. The normal acidity of vaginal secretions can be changed to become more alkaline, although a woman may not notice any symptoms. Bacterial vaginosis can be diagnosed easily vaginal swab test. Your test results will be available before you leave the clinic and sexual health doctor may prescribe treatment. How isbacterial vaginosistransmitted? It is not clear whether bacterial vaginosis is sexually transmitted, but is more common in women with more than onesexual partner. It often develops soon after intercourse with a new partner, and it may be associated with other sexually transmitted diseases. It also occurs in women who have sex with other women and it is possible that bacteria can be transferred to the fingers or sex toys. What is the treatment of bacterial vaginosis? If a woman has symptoms, usually no treatment is needed. Treatment should be carried out when a woman has symptoms, or if it is going to be gynecologic procedures (for example, the introduction of the Navy [intrauterine devices] or abortion), which can allow bacteria into the uterus (womb). Treatment is usually antibiotics metronidazole tablets, taken days forseven. Metronidazole can cause nausea and upset stomach, but these effects may be reduced by taking tabletswith food. Do not drink alcohol during treatment or you can get a serious hangover. If you are unable to take metronidazole doctor may prescribe other antibiotics or vaginal creams. May be buy strattera online repeated bacterial vaginosis? Yes. Return of symptoms very often, sometimes for several weeks of treatment. Treatment of male partners of infected women do not seem to prevent recurrences is not recommended. Sometimes the long course of treatment could reduce the return of symptoms. How can bacterial vaginosis be prevented? It is not clear, somewomen yetwhy get bacterial vaginosis. Despite the absence of infection is bacterial vaginosis in men, if you have sex withcasual friends insist thatyour male partner uses a condom. This may reduce the risk of contracting bacterial vaginosis, and protects you against other sexually transmitted diseases. See also: Original material provided by Auckland Sexual Health Service, June 2007. Feedback from

all in May 2008. .

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